Taken from us so prematurely.... 
So much you missed out on.
So many things I missed out on because I didn't want to do them without you.

So much you missed out on.
So many things I missed out on because I didn't want to do them without you.
You did not walk me down the isle, you did not meet your my husband, you will never know your grandchildren. You will never know the woman I have become, the woman you helped build.
I miss listening to you play your guitar, I miss fishing in the rain with you, I miss listening to you talk - just hearing your voice. Not a day goes by that I don't miss you. I still dream about you. Time doesn't take away or even lessen the pain, despite what people promised. All time does is carry me with it and force me to learn to live without you.
My hero.....
No one will ever know, no one will ever understand. They weren't there. The part of me that you still hold will always belong to you. The part of my life that you were in is mine, and mine alone.
Some may never know, and some may simply forget. But I am the one who will always remember.
Happy Birthday Daddy....