As election day approaches I am filled with dread. At the begining of all the campaigning I wasn't planning on even registering to vote. I knew Hillary wouldn't get it, and I didn't know enough about the other candidates to make a decision. As time passed I began to debate weather or not to vote, but neither Mccain nor Obama had impressed me enough. I felt - and still feel - as if we are pretty much screwed either way. It was only the past month or two that I realized that I might actually want to vote. I began to research and compare Mccain and Obama's policies, and realized that I actually agreed with Obama far more. This of course, horrifies my strictly republican friends and family. Its like when my cousin and sister decided to switch their loyalty to Auburn Tigers instead of Crimson Tide (alabama thing). For the record, I am not a democrat. I'm not a republican either. And although I agree more with the Libitarian perspective, I don't attach myself to any party (although I did take a test online and it determined I am a socialist democrat. lol I wonder....). I actually have some communistic (anarchist not marxism) views as well..... Disclaimer: I do NOT support either Mccain NOR Obama, but if I had to make a choice it would be Obama. There are some key issues that helped me decide, such as the war in Iraq, healthcare, renewable energy, the economical crisis. So forth. And because for all appearances, he is an intelligent man. Mccain comes off like a complete moron - like Bush. And after eight years of this, I am sick of having an idiot as a president. And yes, much of my opinion is based on the differences in Mccain and Obama's policies on the war. As an Army wife the majority of my social circle consists of military personel. My daily life in intertwined with military life. I am privy to things that are not common knowlege among cilvilians, and I don't base my education off the media. And it is time to end this war. Mccain says that we will be in Iraq for another 50 -100 years. Wtf? We should not have even been there as long as we have, much less another century. We are losing men (and women), money, and unity over this conflict. Our country is going bankrupt because we are spending billions overseas. Our military is spread too thin, and too much strain is being put on the soldiers due to multiple and over-extended deployments. Over 4,000 soldiers have died in Iraq, and what does Bush do? Make jokes. "Well those weapons of mass destruction gotta be somewhere. lol Nope, not over there..." Thats not funny. And all Mccain talks about is war. War, war, war. Speaks about how there is going to be plenty more war and we better just get used to it. Mccain views things through a strictly military perspective. He sees no solution to problems other than military force. He jokes about bombing Iran, when that would be probably even a bigger mistake then Bush made in Iraq. Pick a city you want erased from the map, because if we bomb Iran we will lose at least one of our largest cities. They WILL retaliate, and it will be devastating. Our soldiers are not pawns on a chessboard. You cannot simply send them to their deaths because you are a warmonger. At least, you shouldn't be able to. I know that war is inevitable, that there WILL be war in the future. But we shouldn't be eager for it, we shouldn't engage in senseless wars when there are other solutions. Its not a game people.
As for the allegations that Obama is muslim, I don't know. I honestly don't, and I don't think anyone does. I also don't think it matters. Not all muslims are terrorists, and if you believe they are, you are mistaken. America is not at war with Islam, we are at war with radical muslims. And we don't even know if Obama is a muslim. According to my observation, he is as he claims: a christian. He was married in a christian church, his kids were baptized in a christian church, and he has attended a christian church and claimed christianity for 20 years. Oh, but he does originate from a place of islam and I'm sure knows some muslims. By the way I forgot to let everyone know, Bush comes from Texas where the KKK is a big thing......
Oh yeah, for those who believe Obama does not support the troops or doesn't respect the flag, that is untrue. I have seen him lead the pledge of allegience on several occasions, and wear an american flag lapel pin at his speeches - including the one today in Ohio. And he also supports Israel, as you will discover if you google it.
Oh yeah, Mccain thinks Putin is the president of Germany.
I know that this is a hot issue, but we have only a week left to determine the fate of our country. Personally, I think Obama's got it in the bag. This does not fill me with warm fuzzies. But when I think of Mccain "taking the throne" so to speak, my heart skips a beat and I find myself filled with dread. As I said before, things are so messed up right now and both candidates are so wacked we are pretty much screwed either way. Your move, choose wisely.
By the way, I missed the cut off date to register to vote. I probably would have just written someone in anyway..... Myself maybe.
Heres a good link for those of you who want to compare policies:
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago