Well, we flew into Alabama on sunday. I was giddy as we landed in Birmingham, thrilled to be home. So was Alex. It was our first time flying together, and we had a lot of fun. Mama cried when she saw me and it felt so good just to hold her. We picked up Chuch, Joe, Nik, and Pook and headed off to the fair. It was awesome. I finally rode the ferris wheel. The first one was the bucket with a whole bunch of people, and the second was just be and Alex. It was more scary then romantic though, but awesome never the less. I rode painted horses with Mama, which was special. Anyway, it was a blast. However it was the first time I've ever gotten sick at ther fair.

The next day, however, gave new meaning to the word sick.
I woke up nausious, and within 15 minutes was bent over the toilet. I have a very calm, laid back way of puking, which involves waiting until I know for a fact I'm within 2 minutes of vomiting, then getting up and walking to the bathroom, pulling back my air and waiting for it to come. I'm usually standing and do my best not to touch the toilet. Well, I did this the first 3 or 4 times, but by the 6th I was sprawled in the bathroom floor, clinging to the toilet for dear life, dry heaving. The seventh time I didn't make it to the toilet, I just leaned over the side of the couch and hurled in a bucket mom had for me. Thats when I saw the blood. I freaked out. I started moaning 'mama!' (who was holding my hair) and she said 'i know baby' and called Alex into the room, telling him we had to take me to the ER. Mom only lives about 2 miles from the Elmore County Hospital, which isn't the first hospital you really want to go to, but we were there soon and after signing in and all that jazz I was seen to. They took blood, x-rays, and asked a bunch of questions. The dr thought I have food poisoning, but I lean more towards a stomach bug. Whatever it was its gone now. I am no longer nausious and though he told me to stay on clear liquids for 24 hours I promptly came home and ate a full meal. I was starving. I'm fine now. I haven't puked or even been nausious. I'm a little weak and my stomach is sore from all the dry heaving, but thats it. 

Anyway, I am glad to be home. Never a dull moment right?
Ugh, that sounds exactly like what happened to me when I got food poisoning. Sadly it came on right as my family and I pulled up to have dinner at a Cracker Barrel...I spent the entire hour and a half we were there going to and from (and then staying) in the restroom. It's weird how food poisoning works though b/c it can come on like that and then after a little bit you usually don't feel sick at all. I guess your body just REALLY hates the stuff and gets rid of it quick and viciously.
I am just so glad you are feeling better today! I cannot tell you how happy I am that you are home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you very much.
poor baby! I had such a good time with you and I miss you already. I am soo sad I wont be there to send you off. I love you
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