Well everyone, its been a while. I make no apologies, except to Mama of course, who has been faithfully blogging frequently in my absence.
Life has been crazy lately..... Very crazy. December was a really rough month, and I think I'm still trying to get back on my feet. But there's not much recovery in sight, at least not anytime soon. If restoration is even possible, its going to take a lot of time and a lot of hard work. I went home in January, as you all know. It was a nice long visit, and I think I finally got some closure on some issues. After a lot of fear, a lot of pain and anger, I think I can finally say it will be okay, eventually. I know none of this makes any sense to my readers.
We moved on post a couple of weeks ago. Its a really nice villa style 2bed, 2bath house with a yard, trees, a huge porch, a garage, and a stucco roof. It has a big kitchen, lots of space, and wood floors. We really love it here. Moving was a bitch, but it was worth it. Living on post is so much nicer than an apartment complex. Theres community here, we're all in the same boat. Pretty much everything we need is here on post, its like a seperate world. There are banks, a post office, gorcery store, service stations, a hostpital, a mechanic, a police force, a department store, food places, a blowling ally... the list goes on. And there's a different standard than in the civilian world. We can leave our car parked on the street with no fear of it getting broken into. We can leave our doors unlocked, our windows open at night. There are MPs constantly patrolling, and since most of the people living in our district are either couples with no kids or couples with one kid there are no teenagers running around acting crazy. This same standard also holds the two of us accountable and keeps us from getting into trouble.
Anyway, I'm hoping this move will serve as a fresh start for us. Maybe give us a chance to right some things, give ourselves another chance. If not, well, I guess we shall see. Either way, we are running out of time.
I hope that everyone is doing well, and if I haven't talked to some of you in a while please understand I've been very busy trying to make this place a home as well as put as much eff0rt into that fresh start I mentioned as possible. So don't take offense, I've just got a hell of a lot going on right now.
Anywho, time to get back to whatever it was I was doing before this. I love you all.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
1 comment:
You are an intelligent, capable, beautiful woman.I am always here for you and you are right. It will be OK. I am 200% behind you all the way lady bug!!!! I love you more than you could ever imagine possible. You have nothing to apologize for. I love you!
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