I can't believe how fast Toto is growing up! Sometimes when I'm holding her I just can't stop looking at her. Something so precious, so innocent, so untainted. I feel the strongest need to protect her, even to the point of anger when people outside of the Tribe (closest family and friends) hold her. I think about some of the things I've done or been through, and then I imagine her doing it or experiencing it. And I want to burn the images out of my brain, because I can't stand it. I'm not ashamed of what I've done, but to imagine her being in that kind of danger, those kind of situations... it disturbs me. I wish I could protect her from the world as long as there is breath in her body, and the reality that I cannot is painful to accept.
But we have the greatest times together. She is a morning person, always screeching and smiling, and happy to see me. This works out well because if both of us weren't morning people than we might would have a problem. But my dragon morning mood dissapears quickly when she gets transferred to my care. Its amazing, she's like my therapy. I can be having a bad day, or be pissed off or something, and the minute she's in my arms the rest of the world seems to melt away. My problems don't seem so important anymore, and she never fails to bring a smile to my face. Abigail came right when I needed her, and I owe her a tremendous amount.
Last weekend for Tribe Date Night we went out and saw "Land of the Lost". From what I saw it was a bit different from the show, but funny. I can't have much of an opinion however because about halfway through I passed out in my seat. I felt really bad about this, but after 2 days with no sleep my body pretty much pulled rank and shut down for a little while.
Candice and Kristy are both on summer break, and are loving it. Kristy is getting to spend more time with Toto and Candice is catching up on much needed rest.
Mama's garden is coming along splendidly. We are harvesting from it now, and its exciting to see something transform like it has. You can see pictures at her blog "southern born".
Okay, Toto just took a shit so I better go change her.
I leave you with pictures for your personal enjoyment. *grin*

1 comment:
You are just precious with that baby. And she loves you so much! She is a very blessed baby to have you taking care of her! Our lives.........well......life is good! Our home is just jumping all the time! The state of the tribe is excellent! Thank God for all His blessings! It is good to have our tribe together and happy!
I love you, Mama
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