Well, today I am running like a chicken (or more appropriately a turkey) with it's head cut off trying to get everything done by tomorrow. I have to finish cleaning the house, go to walmart, and then start cooking for Thanksgiving dinner. Thankfully my hubs is helping me out and one of the guys is coming over to help cook. We're going to have a lot of food: turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, mash potatoes and gravy, rolls, pecan pie, sweet potatoe pie, cranberry sauce.... yeah.
One of the guys is coming over tonight and he's going to help me cook. Good thing because I've got a lot to do. I am growing steadily more concernicus about the turkey. I took it out of the freezer and put in in the fridge on monday, and its STILL not thawed. Today I called Mama in a near panic and she told me to set it out on the counter, so there is sits. The thawing process has sped up considerably, but I'm still nervous.
I hung curtains and artwork today. The house looks more like a home now, and as soon as I get more frames I'm going to hang more. We still need furniture. I think Ashley and Joe might give us their table. Its a round wooden one, and I think instead of using it in the kitchen I'm going to put it in the living room to spruce things up. Set pictures and knick-knacks on it ya know, candles and stuff. There's an auction at Goodwill saturday, and I kinda want to go. There are some really awesome art pieces there, and a couple of other things.
I've finally made a meal plan to go by weekly. It makes life SO much simpler! I sat down with hubs and we decided what we would like to eat when, and there it is. Tonight was chili/soup night so I am making chili in the crock pot. I usually make it in a soup pot, but I don't have time to mind it tonight and if its in the crock pot it won't need as much attention. I hope it turns out well. Anyway, having a meal plan makes budgeting easier, makes grocery shopping easier, makes every day less complicated because I don't have to worry about what to cook. And of course my meal plan only goes from monday to friday, because I don't do any scheduled cooking on the weekend - plus thats usually when we eat out.
Well, I need to start the pies so I'm out. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
(and yall know who yall are - I miss you!)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago