Well, the past week has been nice. The weather is getting cooler (it got down to 35 the other night) and I'm enjoying that. A couple of the guys got back from Iraq last week so we had a welcome home party for them. Its good to have them back.
I have went out to eat 3 times this weekend. Yes, I did. But you know what? I ordered ceaser salads at two of them and regular salad at olive garden. I also had the fettichini alfredo (one of the top 3 most fattening foods eaten in the US) but ordered lunch portions and couldn't even finish it because I had eaten about 4 bowls of salad. lol I've discovered I like croutons. I used to HATE them, but now I like them a lot. Weird.
The house was a disaster area when I woke up today. It always gets trashed on the weekends, but mulitply it by about five times when we have people over. Rock band equipment strewn all over the living room, soda cans and empty water bottles scattered throughout the kitchen (this time there were also potatoes in random places. One of the guys thought it would be funny to put potatoes in cups of coffee, the coffee pot, stuck to things, lol.), clothes all over the bedroom floor where me and Alex tried on a million different outfits. lol I HATE the house being like that. I can't stand clutter. So its pretty much back to normal now, although I must confess to feeling dread at the thought of even beginning to clean.
Now we have Joe and Ashely coming over to play video games. They just got the new call of duty and I'm hoping its as good as COD4.
I'm off the cyber kill someone. lol Video games rock.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Good morning Love! Sounds like some really healthy nutritional choices at the restaurants. Good Job! I know what you mean about the clutter. I hate it too. I sometimes wish things would naturally tend toward order instead of chaos. But that is the way God made it and thats alright with me! I love you, Mama
hey babe,
I miss you I miss you I miss you!!!
So I went to the Dr today and I want to talk to you really bad so call me because I have called you 42 times already! AND i told willy to tell you to call me. So be a darling and call your sweet friend. I love you and glad you had A nice week That makes one of us.
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