Okay so I had my back evaluation friday - sorry I didn't post sooner - and finally got a diagnosis.
I have Lumbar Instability/Hyper-Mobility.
Here is a link to a list of definitions from several phisicians. http://www.back.com/faq.html?intFAQID=29&txtFAQ=What_is_lumbar_instability?&michelson= But for a quick over-view: This is a very difficult term to diagnose objectively under any circumstances or with any specific radiographic studies. Articles have been published in the literature with definitions of lumbar instability. Most patients who suffer from chronic back symptoms also suffer from chronic muscle spasm, which prevents their spine from moving enough to diagnose instability. I believe lumbar instability exists when a patient has a disc that is not functioning and results in an abnormal amount of motion diagnosed by the fact the patient has chronic pain. I believe patients who have chronic back pain by definition have lumbar instability. The definition fits perfectly, seeing as how I have muscle spasms and I have stated many times that it feels like the vertebrae in my lower back are grinding together. I still have to make an appointment for actual therapy, but now I know whats wrong and hopefully that it can be fixed. My therapist told me its most likey due to unstabe ab muscles - not the "beach abs" as she put it but the one's underneath, the "sub-abs" so to speak. The ones that wrap around and support the spine like a corset. She said it wouldn't matter how many crunches or sit-ups I do because that won't affect that set of muscles, but only give me a six-pack and make me look good. That makes me feel better because I WAS working out until my knee and back could no longer tolerate it. I remember one ab exercise on one of my videos, a dance move like a hips north-south-east-west kind of thing, and it KILLED my back. Thats because my spine moves too much, so even normal motions cause severe pain.
I'm just glad someone finally took me seriously and gave me some friggin answers. And I know its not due to inactivety because it started when I was about 15 and very active. Over the years its just gotten worse. Even though my dr was a retard at least she referred me to someone who deserves her license.
Well, I dyed my hair black tonight. My husband doesn't know yet, so I'm interested to see his reaction. He's snoozing and I am too chicken to wake him up. I am kind of nervous about it because my hair has been thinning lately. But the dye was natural instincts, which is ammonia-free. And if I don't like it, its only temporary.
The house is a wreck. I don't know how we manage to destroy the house every weekend even though we aren't doing anything. I guess thats how, because we aren't picking up after ourselves so everything builds up over the weekend and by monday I have quite a job. It usually takes me 2 days to get it back to a good level because my back can't take too much.
I am thinking about getting a job when/if my back gets fixed. I don't know... I don't want a crappy job like walmart or some fast food joint. I mean we are doing just fine with his income and so there's not really a need for me to get one. Just an idea I am batting around.
We didn't do too much this weekend. Just hung out and played rockband with a couple of guys friday night, then hung out with some more friends saturday night, then went to the movies with some other friends sundaynight. We saw Pride and Glory. It was pretty good.
Imma bounce.

I have Lumbar Instability/Hyper-Mobility.
Here is a link to a list of definitions from several phisicians. http://www.back.com/faq.html?intFAQID=29&txtFAQ=What_is_lumbar_instability?&michelson= But for a quick over-view: This is a very difficult term to diagnose objectively under any circumstances or with any specific radiographic studies. Articles have been published in the literature with definitions of lumbar instability. Most patients who suffer from chronic back symptoms also suffer from chronic muscle spasm, which prevents their spine from moving enough to diagnose instability. I believe lumbar instability exists when a patient has a disc that is not functioning and results in an abnormal amount of motion diagnosed by the fact the patient has chronic pain. I believe patients who have chronic back pain by definition have lumbar instability. The definition fits perfectly, seeing as how I have muscle spasms and I have stated many times that it feels like the vertebrae in my lower back are grinding together. I still have to make an appointment for actual therapy, but now I know whats wrong and hopefully that it can be fixed. My therapist told me its most likey due to unstabe ab muscles - not the "beach abs" as she put it but the one's underneath, the "sub-abs" so to speak. The ones that wrap around and support the spine like a corset. She said it wouldn't matter how many crunches or sit-ups I do because that won't affect that set of muscles, but only give me a six-pack and make me look good. That makes me feel better because I WAS working out until my knee and back could no longer tolerate it. I remember one ab exercise on one of my videos, a dance move like a hips north-south-east-west kind of thing, and it KILLED my back. Thats because my spine moves too much, so even normal motions cause severe pain.
I'm just glad someone finally took me seriously and gave me some friggin answers. And I know its not due to inactivety because it started when I was about 15 and very active. Over the years its just gotten worse. Even though my dr was a retard at least she referred me to someone who deserves her license.
Well, I dyed my hair black tonight. My husband doesn't know yet, so I'm interested to see his reaction. He's snoozing and I am too chicken to wake him up. I am kind of nervous about it because my hair has been thinning lately. But the dye was natural instincts, which is ammonia-free. And if I don't like it, its only temporary.
The house is a wreck. I don't know how we manage to destroy the house every weekend even though we aren't doing anything. I guess thats how, because we aren't picking up after ourselves so everything builds up over the weekend and by monday I have quite a job. It usually takes me 2 days to get it back to a good level because my back can't take too much.
I am thinking about getting a job when/if my back gets fixed. I don't know... I don't want a crappy job like walmart or some fast food joint. I mean we are doing just fine with his income and so there's not really a need for me to get one. Just an idea I am batting around.
We didn't do too much this weekend. Just hung out and played rockband with a couple of guys friday night, then hung out with some more friends saturday night, then went to the movies with some other friends sundaynight. We saw Pride and Glory. It was pretty good.
Imma bounce.

Here are some pics of my hair. Sorry about the quality, I had to do it with my phone and so they come out a little fuzzy and too bright. My hair is shinier and darker than it looks in the picture. Trust me, its BLACK.
I too am rejoicing that we have answers. I rejoice just as much that it can be fixed. I just saw a picture of your hair. It looks great!! I love you and miss you! Mama
Hey these pictues appeared after my comment! You look great! How do you like it? I love you, Mama
hair looks good
Lane said the same thing. He told me that I need to practice holding those muscles tight whenever I can think of it. It will strengthen them. It also improves your posture. Most people have back problems because they are weak there. Give it a try...holding those muscles in whenever you think of it. It has really made a difference to me. When you do it though, make sure you are breathing normal. It becomes second nature after a while and before you know it, well, before I new it I was doing it without thinking. I think the hair looks good. You have a very fair complexion and I love the way dark hair looks against fair skin.
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