Well, the votes are in and we have our new president.
Barack Obama.
He won not only the electorial vote by more than half, but also the popular vote by more than 3,000,000.
I don't reallyknow what I think of this..... I am relieved McCain will not be president, but how much better is Obama? We really have no way of knowing. I think that the next four years will be interesting, and quite possibly disasterous. Quite.
I had no doubt Obama had this in the bag, but honestly I thought it would take longer to figure this out. Here is it not even 11pm and we already have our answer. I remember when Bush was elected the first time, and it was a long drawn out ordeal that lasted late throughout the night. Tom Brokaw was nodding off at his desk and eating crackers to stay awake. It was hilarious. Tonight, though I am pleased Mccain is not the 44th president, tonight is sober and quiet. A time when one must sit back and do their best to imagine what is to become of us. A night when we recognize there was no good choice in this decision, that as America we are on our knees and there is no savior politician to rescue us.
What will become of us? I have no idea.
We would have lost either way.
I hope I am wrong.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I was at a meeting with an economist speaker the other day, he didn't give a preference as to who he was for, but said no matter what it will be hard times for quite a while. So no matter who's our president, he will have a tough time. I think we just need to do our best to be the best we can individually and take the ride he puts us on. That's the way it is anyway. I hope he does well. I'm proud for him. He did well. I also am proud for McCain. He made an awesome and tactful speech. It made me cry. It was truly heartfelt. Did you hear it?
May God Have Mercy On Us All!~
No matter who is the president, God cannot be voted out of being the owner and ruler of the universe. My allegience is to God and as King David did, I fall into the hands of the Living God. I am just trying to remember this "everything comes at the hand of God and everything is for the very best!" and that.... "This too is from The Lord"
I love you! Mama
Yes I watched both the speeches. It was a little sad, but I find it funny how all this time McCain has been bitching about Obama and accusing him of all this, and now he has to eat his words and congradulate Obama.
Yes, its gonna be a long day.
I left you a really long really good comment but I lost it...
I will now go morn
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