Well, our application was accepted so if we choose then the house we looked at yesterday is our's to rent. So thats good right?
Maybe not.
I've been thinking, and I don't know if this is such a genious idea after all, the only problem is my husband wants to move out of the apartment even more than me and I don't want him to be miserable here. We both want to move out, we both want to rent a house -
that house - but at what cost? Its risky. Plus, it requires me to give a move out notice to my apartment complex which bothers me because what if something changes and we decide not to move? We're screwed then.
Its just, we were like "Hey our lease ends this month - lets rent a house!" and we didn't prepare or plan for it at all. Now we're rushing into it and we have a deadline which is putting pressure on me, and the more time that passes the more I develope a bad feeling about it. Plus theres all this stuff the new people need like les, copy of orders, copies of drivers license and his ID card. Now what the fuzz are they gonna do with his ID card? They don't need that, I don't even know if he's
allowed to hand out copies of that. Holy cats.......... I don't have a printer much less a copy machine.
Plus, if we move in before the 1st of July we will have to pay a full months rent and then turn around and pay again for July, so we need to move in on the 1st. Okay right? Wrong. Our lease here ends on June 30th, which means that for a night, we'd have no where to put us or our stuff. So theres another dillemia. I don't see any way to get around that one, even in the future when we look to rent again. Blah
Things never work out the way you plan and my bad day is rapidy turning into a disasterous one.
Why is it that I always find myself in the position of "bad guy"? I'm screwed no matter what I do, and I hate that.
So I signed another lease here at the apartment, and now its up to Alex. He can either tear it up and move foward with the house, or either he can sign it. Its up to him, I'm sick of being in charge.
Screw it all to hell, I'm done.