Yes that, my dears, was a little thing called sarcasm.
I started my period yesterday, and 24 hours later I'm still cramping. Been in bed ALL friggin night and day with a heating pad and Stephen King novel (can't say I shunned the idea of being able to finish "Cujo") and I just now got up to tidy a little because I know the house won't clean itself and I would like for my husband to come home to some sort of order.
So in addition to the pain, I have a headache -which has been reaccuring all week. Reading didn't help, but I couldn't stop myself. I get so into a book and its as if nothing can shake me back into reality. On top of everything else, I think my horamones are extra bad this month..... And come to think of it they were really bad last month too. I was a wreck. I think that might have had a little to do with my birthday too though......
I'm 20 years old. It may not seem old to some people reading this, but in truth it is beginning of the end. It is the year that the 'rest of my life' is actually a comprehendable amount of time instead of some distant daydream. If I live to be 80, then a quarter of my life is over. My childhood is gone, and what have I to show for it. Nada. When I was a kid and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, assuming I decided to grace them with a reply, I would always say either "wife and mother" or "vetinarian". I was so sure... I was going to be all of those things. No doubt in my mind. What happened? I've got some pretty good guesses.
They say life never turns out like you planned. And I guess thats true to an extent. But sometimes it does, if you stick to your guns you can make your own luck. Or can you?
Does it really matter? The point is I didn't stick to my guns.
And lady luck turned her back on me a long time ago.
As I said before, my horomones are getting out of control. I think I'll go have a smoke to calm me down. And if anyones got anything to say about me smoking, save it because I've heard it all before and not a thing anyone says is going to make a difference. For the record, me and Alex hardly smoke at all and we don't need lectures.
After the ciggerette I think I'll go play call of duty and take out my raging menustral horomone induced mood on other people with guns.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
You get out there girl and and SEISE the last three quarters of your LIFE! You can do it! You may be nearing grandma age now, but, it's not quite too late. Pursue your dreams to be a vet, a mother, hey you already are a wife, so you're one third of the way to being all you wanna be. BTW I'm proud of you as a wife... How sweet of you to drag yourself out of the bed, while feeling poorly and tidy up for Willy...Such a mench!
Love ya,
Okay, so I can't seem to get this right, but I want to correct my (mis)spellings and can't seem to get it, but here goes. *Your instead of you're. *Seize instead of seise. sorry.
Hey Marli,
I sure hope you are feeling better by now. Those hormones can really throw you for a loop! Maybe we need to talk about some vitamin D and calcium! You are a wonderful wife. You are doing a great job of blooming where you are planted. You can do whatever you set your mind to do. What you are is beyond enough. Any other skills you learn will be icing on a perfect cake. You are a beautiful, intelligent, sweet, loyal, competent and capable woman. I am glad you got to finish the book. If you have some calcium, try taking about 1500 mg at bedtime. It will ease the cramps and relax you so you can rest. By the way, who needs lady luck when you have the blessing of the Creator of the Universe! I love you very much! Mama
Hey Marli,
I sure hope you have a better day today. May the blessing of the Lord be on you! I love you, Mama
Your life isn't over YET. OK? get better NOW! lol
LOve and kisses to you.
Well that sucks, hmm, you know I left a nice little post saying don't lecture me about getting my tonsils removed, and you when ahead and lectured on so its pay back time!
Tobacco is a very dangerous drug. It is legal and widely used.
Thousands of people die every year as a result of smoking cigarettes, cigars and pipes. The combined effects of nicotine, (the main drug in tobacco) and other gases which enter the lungs when smoked, greatly increases the chance of disease and ill-health. Tobacco is a stimulant drug giving smokers a 'lift'.
Smoking has been directly linked to lung cancer, heart disease and other major illnesses, as well being dangerous during pregnancy for the mother and unborn child.
It is also recognised that secondary smoking or passive smoking can put the health of others at risk. This is one of the reasons why smoking has been so widely banned in public places.
All this lovely info comes to you from:
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