I'm bored and I have a headache, and my mood is rapidly taking a turn for the worse.
its been a pretty busy day, and I'm stressing. We are looking to rent a house rather than an apartment because we're sick of loud neighbors and no space. But, there have been a few complications and looks like we're going to have to sign another 3 mth lease here and postpone our house hunt. Ugg! Its not that we're unhappy here, as far as apartments go this place is actually pretty nice. Cheap, close to post, central location, relatively safe. But a house would have been nice because then we could bring the rest of our stuff from wichita falls and actually have somewhere to put it, and we'd have a yard so we could have a dog, and we wouldn't have loud neighbors with nothing but a wall seperating us.
I don't know, maybe it will still work out. Who knows?
So anyway, Willy didn't come home for lunch today (it was his shift in the office) and so I am bored. When he comes home in the middle of the day for an hour it breaks up the boredom and interrupts my routine, forcing me to reserve things until after he leaves. When he doesn't come home for lunch, I get everything done much quicker and then run out of things to do and get bored.
Ahh! I know, I'll go play call of duty 4.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
OH, Marli, I am sorry you are bored and even sorrier that you have a headache. Maybe things will work out with the house after all. What dog do you have in mind? :) I like your slide show. Looks like I am going to be on WSFA news. I was at the Farmer's market today. I purposely took the long way around to my farmers booth so that I could avoid the news crew. But, the reporter stood behind me until I finished my purchases. She then asked if she could interview me about the tomato situation. I was able to do an infomercial about why we should by local. She asked me if I was scared to eat the tomatos I had just bought. I told her no because I know my farmer and what he does to my food. Anyway, it was quite interesting. Tonight I am eating fresh banana peppers and tomatos just picked from the vine with no worries about someone from South America or Mexico selling me contaminated tomatos or whatever else via Walmart. Now I have done another infomercial. But really, we should support our local farmers or there won't be any. I love you!Mama
Hey Mar,
So glad you got a blogger site. Cool. I'll add a house for you and Willy on the prayer list. As far as the boredom situation, have you thought about some classes? maybe photography or writing?
Love ya and miss you alot!!!
Well you know you can always call me when you get bored.
love ya miss ya and all that stuff
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