Shouldn't you people be blogging every day? So far I am. Of course I do have an addiction to writing so..... And Mom, when are you gonna get one?
Today has been normal. Last night we went over to some friends house for TNT -Thursday Night Tacos - and it was pretty fun. They have a 2 yr old boy and he is awesome. I think we are going back over this weekend. So it should be fun. I think us girls are gonna go out for a bit while our men have some guy time. Then we'll all hook back up later and probably play board games and cards. We were gonna go clubbing, but Alshey's husband refused and so we thought maybe us girls could just go, but I don't think that would be very bright so I think we're gonna find something else to do. We might just all end up hanging out the whole time together instead of splitting up. I'm happy either way, although I think I might rather have my man with me.... :) We'll see. I think tonight we are going on a date. Maybe dinner and a movie?
We went ahead and signed another lease here. So we'll be here until September. We were still debating when some other things came up that helped us make our decision. So even though this place isn't "ideal", I think it was the right decision and I'm pretty comfortable with it.
I still haven't got my phone so I'm pretty upset about that. The guy swears he mailed it, but if I don't get it soon I will start leaving really nasty feedback about him on ebay. Good thing I got a 2 year warrantee with it.
Okay well my man is home early (TGIF) and so I'm off to beautify myself so we can go on a date.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
You sound so much brighter. Amazing what an upcoming date with the man of your dreams can do :)
I am so glad you are making friends. They sound like delightful people. It sounds like God took care of the apartment thing.(as usual). :) THANK YOU GOD! I was intending to get my blog done today but I had too many things to get done for my upcoming trip, especially with it being preparation day. James requested Challah. I have been making lots of bread but have not made challah for awhile. I bought some fresh eggs today from a friend. Her son gave me the wrong eggs and they had written BEWARE on them. Only a country girl knows what that means.. :) I also bought five bags of leaves from her little boys to mulch my garden. All the leaves around here have too much pine straw. I don't want to use a lot of that because it can cause the soil to be too acid. Of course I could add lime to make it more alkaline. But........why create a problem on purpose right. I can't seem to go more than a few minutes without having to move my bracelet to the other arm. Sarcasm!!! Darn it. I guess I should go make some more goldenseal capsules for Milo so I can go and Doctor him. Have a remarkable, exciting, pleasant week end. I sure intend to. I love you, Mama P.S. I hope you enjoy your date and your new friends. I hope to complete my blog before the week end is over.
Blogging everyday is ideal but other things get in the way. IF I were a disciplined person, I would blog in the a.m. for a set amount of time after Bill leaves for work, then get off the 'puter. But we all know once I'm on, I'm on and it becomes a time machine, sending me into the future where nothing got done, 'cause I wasn't there.
I love this post, so full of life! So much to look forward to and so good. I love you too!
have fun! yeah well not all of us have things to say! lol hey I got a hair cut. I'm going to put some pics on my blog. I think. lol
love YA!!!!!!!!!
WOW Cammy you wrote a book!!! lol
Well you sound happy and content I hope your happy streak continues
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