Well, turns out that we ended up have a pretty good date. A juicy burger and a movie that turned out to be a lot better than the previews (The Happening), as well as giving myself a more rational perspective on maintaining the luxury of dating my husband did wonders for my mood. We stayed out really late and he drove home after I almost got us killed (I stopped in what I thought was a turning lane, but it was the oncoming lane -give me a break, you people know I don't have the best night vision) and the next morning we got up and made breakfast together. I love it when we do that.... its something special, where we've got the food going and the music blaring, and every now and then we take a break from flipping eggs to dance a little in the kitchen. Its one of the most romantic things we do, and I don't even know why. Anyway, after that we headed over to Ireane and Felix's, and we hung out there all afternoon. Ashley and Joe joined us, and we all played cards and ate sloppy joes. They have a 2 year old boy (Ireane and Felix) named Marcus and he is awesome. He really keeps us all entertained. And then us girls got in bikinis and ran through the sprinkler outside, topping off the fun by throwing our tops inside to the guys (Ireane's hit Willy in the face and I think thats hysterical). The rest of the night was spent with more games and really good conversation. We all stayed the night (yeah, we're married adults and still having sleepovers - give me one GOOD reason why we shouldn't?) and today me and Ireane made omlets. Lets see..... We all chilled in the living room floor afterwards, half asleep while we watched scrubs. And then we decided we were craving chocolate so after talking Marcus into it we hopped in the car (Ashley and Joe had already went home) and drove downtown to the chocolate factory. Let me just tell you, the white chocolate pecan cluster was fit for the gods. With our sugar buzz going we drove over to every steak house we could find, and they were all full because of father's day. Chilis wasn't tho, so we had some steaks there and I had about 7 sodas. Yeah, definate splurge. Then we all came back to our place to watch the BB game. Lakers won. Woot woot. And me and Ireane changed into our bathing suits and scoped out all three pools. They were all closed of course, but we jumped the fence at one until we noticed we were being watched and hightailed it out of there. So we walked around the apartment complex, scoping out good places to have quickies and had really good convos. Every now and then a guy would walk up and ask for weed or tell us we were hot, but they always walked away empty handed on both counts. lol
Anyway, its been a really fun weekend and its really cool to have friends here. I have a busy day tomorrow ( I hate mondays) so I should get to sleep. Easier said than done.
Nighty night!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Fun and Fancy Free! I remember those days. Enjoy! Glad you're making friends. Love ya, Sandy
First of all, I must say that I am very glad you two did not get killed :) I prefer you warm for our next visit.
It sounds like you had a blast this week end. I can just picture you and Alex dancing in the kitchin while making breakfast. That makes my heart swell with joy to overflowing. I am so happy you have made new friends. That fills my heart with peace. They sound like very nice people. It sounds like your social life is jumpin'. That fills my heart with happiness.
I love you very much, Mama
well sound like you had some fun! I went to a bat mitzvah this weekend it was fun. I danced and danced. lol
lots o love
well you've had a full couple of days. sounds like fun but maybe a little to wild for my innocent self.
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