A lot of people don't like me.
A lot of people don't approve of the way I live my life.
A lot of people critisize and offer unsolicited advice.
And you know what? A lot of people aren't worth my time.
Through the years I haven't changed much. This doesn't mean I haven't grown up or matured, it just means I've retained my individuality and become confident and comfortable with who I am and what I do. I've come to understand that I don't require or even desire most anyone's approval or permission. This is my life, and the saying rings true that one has to live their own life. I won't acheive happiness through striving to be everything to everyone or make everyone happy. I don't owe anyone anything, just like they don't owe me. As long as I strive to be a good person and do what I feel is right, I am obligated to do nothing else. I'm not obligated to give anyone an explantaion or or ask their permission or forgiveness for how I live my life.
This attitude I have about love, life, and relationships is a work in progress. I haven't acheived the place I want to be, but I'm well on my way. Its a process, one that I rather enjoy.
I don't claim to be perfect. I know better than anyone my own flaws and defects. I also have an eye for other people's and believe me, its a struggle not to exploit that.
Why would someone spend -no, waste their whole lives or even a portion on it trying to live up to everyone's expectations and fit their criteria for what is accaptable? I used to be that way. And then I realized my foolish mistake. And since I have embraced this, I have been liberated. I am true to myself and to people who love and accept me, and theres nothing else is there? I'm all for bettering the world, but you've got to better yourself first. Better to be an asset to the enviroment than a liability.
I wish that everyone could see and understand what I see. That life isn't a popularity contest and you can't and shouldn't have to try to please everyone. I, for one, take immense pleasure in thinking for myself and slapping people with a reality check that I don't live for them.
All of you have the potential to embrace yourself and your individuality and not sacrifice who you are. Theres a difference between being kind and considerate and changing or putting yourself on the back burner just for someone's approval.
I've always hated when people told me to be on my 'best behavior'. And to this day I hate the feeling of being fake when the occasion calls for 'company charm'. I'm very good at it. But I hate it, and can only tolerate it for a very short period. When I am at an event that requires good posture charming manners, I have to struggle to contain my vomit from expelling itself. I do it, so as not to embarrass whoever has braved bringing me along, but its not enjoyable for me. I Am who I am, and I don't desire to live a facade. I'm blunt and a bit harsh, I'm rough around the edges and usually don't take much interest in people or trivial things, I'm stubborn and opinionated and I turned off my give-a-damn a long time ago. I hold grudges and I don't easily trust or forgive, I laugh at people and stand up for odd things I believe it. I don't let people push me around, and I set bounderies that I don't mind letting people know when they've crossed.
If this is your definition of a bitch, than so be it.
I really don't care.
But I encourage all of you, each and every one, to live for you. And to let go of the pointless goal to please everyone and gain their approval. You don't need it.
Be you.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Marli Anne, I love you just the way you are. YOU and everything that includes is more than enough for me!
Heck yes!! (clean version) It took me years to realize this, and many more years to start applying it to my life. You actually inspire me to be myself. Not that it makes any sense whatsoever. You are an amazingly strong and fierce person, and I admire you!! Anywho.... "Heaven won't take us, Hell is afraid we will take over. INDEPENDENT to the GRAVE!!!"
I strongly disagree with the idea that heaven won't take you two!
I notice how no one else has commented on this post. I think thats just hysterical!
Oh come now everyone, why so serious?
Marli, I read this and wanted to cry. You know why. Our conversation helped SOOO much. Now to put it in practice right? My dad called me yesterday and wanted to know my school schedule. Weird..why? I think it was his way of saying that what I am doing matters. He can't just say that of course. It was odd but it meant something to me. When will it stop mattering? This is going to be a long process. Thanks for being my friend!!! Not that I give a damn if you don't want to be. LMAO!!!! See, I am getting there. Ha Ha. JK
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