Milo is dead.
I went and saw him a few days ago and noticed he was having some trouble breathing. I also noticed tht he didn't want to walk - at all. And I could see in his eyes that he was tired. So I decided not to be selfish anymore and prayed that either G-d would heal him or just go ahead and take him. And then I kissed him and told him I love him, and I knew that was the last time I'd see him. So I cried my eyes out and said my goodbyes. That was less than a week ago.
Milo was a good dog. He was our little model, our metrosexual. He didn't like getting dirty, he refused to go inside the house, and he was very prissy. He would never have even showed his teeth to me no matter what I did, but he had less patience for other animals and small children. Milo was a lover not a fighter. He was a sweetheart. He hated tags and he snored. He was extremely cuddly and the kind of dog you could snuggle up to and go to sleep with. He had the most precious brown eyes, very sincere and soulful. You knew when you looked at them that he was a keeper. I cried on his shoulder many a time, and he was like one of my kids.
It breaks my heart that he's gone, but he was old and he was ready. Its just me that wasn't.
The story of my life.
One of my fondest memories of him is when we used to lay out in the yard at night and watch the stars. He'd get under the blankets with me and snuggle up, and then I'd laugh at him because he'd start to snore. And back in his younger days he would get all excited and just start running around like a crazy lunatic. And then the other dogs would get excited and chase him and he'd get upset. It was funny.
I will miss him.
RIP Monte Milo Parker "Best doggone dog in the south" Died July 29 2008 Goodbye lover....
Marli I am so sorry. He was a sweet dog.
I love you and miss you
What a beautiful post. I will miss him so much. You wrote a very fitting Eulogy for him. I am sorry you missed his funeral but I am glad you were able to say good bye just a few days ago. He was a faithful and loyal friend. You could always count on him for a listening ear and a sympathetic sigh and a sweet hug when you needed one. He was not judgemental. He always loved you the same no matter how much you messed up. He was just one big hunk of love. I loved the way he liked to sit on my feet. This has been a very sad day indeed. I love you very much my sweet one. Mama
I'm so sorry baby, I know how much you loved that dog. Appropriate song. It made me cry.....again. It always does. Love you and miss you!!
Oh Marli. I just sat here and cried as I read this post. I feel for you with all my heart!!! To me animals are not just animals and the love that we can have for them is so strong. I know it just broke your heart even though you'd prepared yourself. I am truly sorry.
Love you.
I just want you to know I am posting again! :) I Love you, Mama
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