This is not only to the two people how have left less than supportive comments on my last blog. This is to everyone who has given my husband a hard time about HIS CHOICE of career.
You know what, you people piss me off. Instead of being happy for him, or dissapointed for him because something he has wanted his whole life turned out to be a let down, you laugh at him. Yall always laugh at him and his army life, and you should be proud and supportive. Always talking about how he is brainwashed and laughing at his misery because no, the army isn't always fun or easy. Would it be so difficult to just be a little supportive? Is that too much to ask? He is working his ASS off doing something with his life, he's earning college credit and maintaining a MOS that will almost ensure any job he wants when he gets out. He's supporting a wife and giving her everything she needs, and also risking his life for complete strangers and for YOU. You could be a little less sarcastic and mocking and a little more grateful and proud. At least he's not some unemployed, in debt, drug addict or promiscuous womanizer. Why so much critism? Why so much pleasure in his dissapointment or misery?
It makes me think that someone has inferiority issues.
I, for one, am so proud of him I could explode. You guys have NO clue how hard army life is and how stressful his training and his job really is. You don't have a hint of a clue. So stop being so judgmental and critical.
I love you guys, but seriously, back off.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I agree sum one hast to protect this
OK I was not making fun of his Currier, And I VARY am proud him. I KNOW his job is hard. The ONLY thing I was saying was that I thought it was funny he did not like GERMANY. not the army. Sorry I PISS you off.
I can only speak for myself and what I have witnessed in our home. We are ALL so proud of Alex and his career, and the fact that he has you and is supporting you, and protecting our country. As you well know, we are a VERY close family and have the tendency to pick on one another, but we are always there for one another. We love our soldier and you. I think you have misinterpreted something.
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