Alright everyone, new policy - temporary.
Don't ask me to buy you anything, and don't ask me to do anything with you that cost money unless you are paying. Because bottom line, I can't afford it right now.
With all the traveling and extra expenses, we are low - extremely low - on cash. So I will be cutting the money corners wherever possible for awhile.
This includes no movies, no eating out, nothing.
If it helps you remember, just consider me broke.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Don't worry Baby,
We have been there before together.............. I can give you lots of frugal tips. Do you want that home made laundry recipe? I will let you know how the internet opportunity works out. I love you, Mama
Im right there with you!! And as far as I am concerned some of our greatest times have been our long talks on the porch and watching Dawson's creek. I love you and Im always here for you!!
Hey we don't ask you to get anything for us! sorry your low on the dough.
Hey Marli...I have been enjoying your blog posts and decided that I need to let you know it. Sorry that your money is low...believe me, we have all been there. I remember once that Bruce and I counted out change at a drive thru window just to buy one small burger, some fries and one coke. Like they say: "This too shall pass"!
No money? well I guess that's the run of things in this "great" country of ours.
Hey Marli could you buy me a video game?
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