Okay, so I haven't been blogging lately. Its not that I haven't had anything to blog about - because I've had plenty. I've just been busy.
I've spent the last couple of weeks at home in Alabama, enjoying family and friends and trying to pack as much as possible into the trip. There was a wedding with lots of dancing - and me and Chuch totally owned the dance floor from the moment we set foot on it. Not to brag, but well, what the heck. lol It was a lot of fun, but I wish my man had been there so I could have danced with him too.
Then came the fourth of july. It was bittersweet. For the first time in my entire life - 20 earth years - I missed the lake martin fireworks show. The biggest fireworks show in the southeast and a family tradition. While I must admit it lost some of its wonder when my dad died, I have still managed to show up every year. Not the case this time. This time I had no car, was about an hour away, and camping out at the house of a friend of my inlaw's. I still would have found a way to go if my mom had felt well enough, but due to health issues (hopefully nothing major) she missed the show or the first time in OVER 20 years. So I didn't go either, because the main reason I have continued to attend is for my family. As for my sister, I had no idea if she was even plannning to go anyway. So I spent it with my husband and his family. I have to admit it was depressing, missing for the first time a staple tradition that I have never missed since birth - my first attendence was when I was exactly 4 weeks old. So I spent a small portion of time (around 9;30 when the fireworks would be starting) off to myself listening to music and smoking, feeling nostalgic and melancholy.
So to my family, though I wasn't with you then, my heart and mind was.
The rest of the holiday was spent swimming, playing croquet, and skating on the half pipe. I didn't skate much, but I did get up there and try and I didn't fall. I wasn't very good, but it was my first time and it was fun.
My husband came down the 3rd through the 6th, and I really enjoyed getting to spend some time with him since we've been apart. And then on the 8th I flew home and here I am. Back in Texas performing my wifely duties and trying to ingore the fact that in 24 hours I will be starting off another 2 weeks without my man. Depressing, a bit scary, and lonliness-inducing.
I'll be alright though. I'm gonna keep myself busy with more in-depth house cleaning, xbox, and prolling chilling with friends and then I'll fly back to Alabama on monday.
For those who are wondering, coming back to Texas even for a few days was the right thing. It produced the hoped-for results - and beyond.
Well my laundry is done and I need to go start another load before I get snaked again. Wish me luck.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
1 comment:
Hey Marli, Just so you know Me and Candice cried too because we missed being together with you at the fireworks show. I was crying the same time as you. You two were definately on my mind and in my heart as always. I got some results back from Pri-med so I guess I will be seeing Dr. Wool as soon as I can get an appointment to tell me what it means. I love you, Mama
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