Not fifteen minutes after I got the email, he called me. We talked for 10 minutes (no idea how much that call is gonna cost us and I don't really care) and it was SOOOO good to hear his voice. Basically he hates it there, and no longer hopes we get stationed there. So even though he's not having the best time, he is okay.
I miss him so much, but at least I get to see him in 10 days. Less than 2 weeks. Counting the days.....
My poor baby is cold. I heard Germany is cold, told him to take a coat. He didn't. He also didn't know he was supposed to take a sleeping bag. He has one now tho.
He took a picture of a tower Hitler (boo!) used to stand on and watch his troops in formation. I can't wait to see all the pictures he took.
He had his first German beer today. He said it was good. And for the mommies reading this, don't worry. It's legal there, and his superiors have given them a 2 drink limit so its not like he can get wasted. And come ON, its Germany! This is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity - yes, even for military people. You'd do it, you know you would. And if you went to Amsterdam you'd also smoke a joint or two. Lets not be hypocrites here. lol
He says things are really expensive there - but you know what, I don't want to steal his thunder. I'm sure he'll want to tell you all about it himself at some point in the future, so I am now shutting my mouth.
I miss him.
But at least I know he's okay.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Ha Ha Ha, All he's ever talked about is joining the army and going to Germany and now he hates it. Oh this is to good.
LOL he has ALL ways wanted to go to Germany. And now that he is there he hates it LOL.
love ya
I am so sorry he does not like it there. What a bummer to be stuck somewhere for two weeks that you hate.I was so happy to hear that he called and is safe. Whew!! I am enjoying your presence to the fullest extent allowed!
Ian, Chelsea, you guys suck.
Thanks mom.
Have sum hart guys
I think probably, if he were vacationing, he would like it. But, remember, he's working and can't do as he pleases; touring and what not. He probably hates the cold and the post, but not the actual place. I could be wrong, but I do hope he gets to do some site seeing. I am glad he got to taste the German beer (with a limit of 2. I bet it's nasty, but you know me, I hate beer! yuck, horse pee. Although, I don't think German beer is horse pee. It's too dark for that. I can't wait for him to get home to share his experience with us. Let's remember, it is an experience and he will have great stories of his misery in Germany. Think of all the stories Bill and I tell that are funny now, but at the time were miserable. LOL
As far as Ian and Chelsea suck, they are just picking on their bro. It's okay. Alex knows they love him deeply.
I have seen pictures of Germany and it is SOOO gorgeous. Everywhere has ugly parts and the cold doesn't help. If you got stationed there you would probably truly love it IF you could travel a bunch and see the beautiful parts. It is all an adventure though right?
I'd rag on my bro too probably because that is what most siblings do. We totally joke on each other but we are the first to throw a serious punch if any one else jokes on them.
I think it is too cool that Alex is in Germany. I mean, how many here in Alabama have never been outside the state right? Good for Alex for accomplishing his dreams.
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