Do you ever wonder how many endeavors are pursued in vain? Do you ever wonder how much time is wasted on pointless goals? You put a piece of yourself in everyone you meet, and in the people you seek relationships with you put a more intimate piece, and you nurture it and cultivate it and watch it grow into something dangerous and fragile and often beautiful.
And then it gets dashed away, as if it was nothing.
There are things that hurt worse true, but not many. Relationships that you once thought were vital to your happiness and you thought were priority to both people involved, just cast away for no damn reason. At least no reason that is disclosed to you. Its a shame, and a waste.
But it does serve to prove my point, the point I've been trying to make people understand for years: Everyone will let you down. Don't put complete trust or faith in ANYONE because NO ONE can live up to the unrealistic expectations of true unadulterated friendship. Human beings are selfish animals, and in the end it comes to survival of the fittest. Survival of one's self. Self preservation at all costs. This isn't to say some people don't give it their sincere effort. They put their best foot foward and give it their all. But the truth is, thats not enough. People are needy, but they take more than they give. And even the givers, even those you would have never expected to abandon you because their record of loyalty and faithfulness is flawless, eventually even they will grow weary of the selflessness and lack of gratification. And they will leave.
Yes, some friendships are life long. Some marriages last until death. But you know what? At least one of the people in the relationship and usually both have let the other person down in a major way. They've hurt them and scarred them. And if they haven't, they will. Tis the nature of the human animal. This is why I prefer dogs. Because it is in the dog's nature to remain loyal at all costs. They are not inately selfish creatures, but in nature rely on eachother for survival. Push comes to shove then yes, they might kill another animal over food or mate. But when it comes to their human counterparts, they are content to eat and love you. And if you feed them and treat them like they deserve to be treated, they will remain faithful until death - come hell or high water. If this animal is unfaithful to you, it is your fault and not their's. Such is not the case with humans. Consider yourself blessed if you find a friend with dog-like qualities. I had one once. But that went to hell, and I'm still not sure why. I guess this person had more cat in their personality than I realized. I nurtured that, so I guess I'm partially to blame. This is why I miss Milo so much, because he was selfless and not judgemental. He was all heart, and he exibited loyalty that I rarely see. And he died alone.
The thought of making more friends and letting myself get even remotely close to someone new sickens me even more than it did a few weeks ago. Because it simply isn't worth it. But maybe its all about Karma... But a lot of things sicken me right now. I'm so discusted with people and life in general. I'm not seeing the silver lining, the half full glass everyone is always talking about. I'm not seeing the beauty in life that every so often shows herself to me. And what chance does beauty or anything good have in a world like this? A bleak and hopeless chasm that devours hope and beauty and love and all things worth living for.
Such is life.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hmmmm....what to say to a blog like that? Well, I'm sorry that you seem to be cursed with the same pessimistic view as me, as well as the same bad fortune to put faith in the wrong people and getting hurt. Other than that, I guess all I can say is Thank God I got in before the "meet new people" ban.
Hey! I found your blog from your Mom's and just thought I'd say hi.
Anyhow, it's true that you shouldn't put all your hope and trust into anyone (besides God, of course) because it's too much pressure for anyone to be everything to you. However, one of life's greatest gifts is friendship. People may not always be in your life forever but as long as you don't expect them to be, there's no reason why someone can't be your friend or even best friend for a year or two and in that time they can help you experience new things and create memories that will last forever, even if the friendship doesn't.
Anyhow, that's my little rambling on the subject. :)
Oh Baby........I am so sorry you are hurting so badly. I wish I was there. I love you and I will do my best never to let you down. I love you very much!
Btw, how did you get the links to blogs under "Blogs I Grace" to show the last time those bloggers updated? I need something like that so I don't have to check each person's page to see if they've updated...those 46 seconds are precious precious moments that shouldn't be wasted. :)
When we live life to the fullest and love to the fullest, we aren't putting conditions on others. We are just living and loving. When we expect nothing, we can't be disappointed. You can have friends, enjoy them, and when they are gone, have wonderful memories. People come and go, that is just a fact of life. But we can't just stay in our homes and not enjoy life for fear that someone will hurt us one day. We need to enjoy the each moment and not fret when things change. People change, even you and sometimes people grow apart. It's okay, there are 6 billion other people out there to play with. I love you and am sorry you are hurt.
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