I have recently had an epiphany. I was actually assisted in this realization, but it makes perfect sense all the same.
That is that NO ONE is selfess. Before I continue with this in any depth, I wish to ask you all a question to which I expect a reply with an explanation. You will not like mine.
Is anyone truly selfless?
I expect examples.
*Those of you who believe in Jesus/Yeshua feel free to use him as well.
*Disclaimer: I will explain in greater detail after reviewing the response I get.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
So I take it your not going to call me? I was hoping you would. I would call you but joey has been talking to you and he said something about your tire and something else but I was not really listening to him. any way call me when you have the time I would really be happy. love you
Okay listen, you need to reply to my post. It was a legitimate question and I want to hear some responses. Now.
I do not believe anyone is completely selfless. I think it is impossible for any human to be entirely selfless. I do believe that some are more selfless than others and that some are more self centered than others. I do believe that at a given time a human is capable of a completely selfless act or even many acts. But it is impossible for anyone to "not have a selfish bone in their body". I do not even think it would be healthy for a person to be completely selfless. For instance a completely selfless person would pay everyone else in the world's bills before they paid theirs. They would feed everyone in the world before they ate and starve themselves. You get my train of thought! :)) I love you! Mama
It would be impossible to survive while being selfless. When someone eats, drinks, or relieves themselves, they are doing something for themselves.
When someone says that a person is selfless they probably mean that the person puts others before themselves.
What brought on this epiphany?
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