You know, in the frequency of blogging, Mama and I hold the record. And the funny thing? We were 2 of the last people to get blogs. :-)
The hurricane didn't effect us much here in San Antonio. We got a little rain, but not much more than that. So all the worrying you people did was for nothing.
We went to the hookah lounge last night with some of the guys. I don't think I've ever had so much fun playing go fish. lol We didn't get in until almost 2am so we slept late today.
I kind of like living next to a pool. Whenever I feel like a swim I just jump the fence ( I can't figure out how to open the gate) and dive in. And I can keep an eye on the apartment, and don't have to be far away from Alex if he doesn't feel like a swim.
We can't hear our neighbors. The walls must be thicker here, because I don't think I've heard any of them even once. But the teenage guy on one side likes to talk a LOT. Every time he comes outside he strikes up a conversation and he says the stupidest things. He's very irritating.
Lets see.... well my husband is cooking me supper. Sweet isn't it? I usually cook supper. The only time he cooks usually is when we have steak, and he grills it while I make the side items. In my opinion, part of the whole 'working in the home housewife homemaker' job description is meal preperation. I mean, if both spouses work full-time thats one thing, but its not right to make your husband come home from a hard day at work and expect him to cook his own food. Even back when I worked I cooked supper, because I only had a part time job. He would help with supper if I asked, and he would help me with laundry and such. I try to take care of the laundry, cooking, cleaning, errand running, all that jazz as much as possible. Reguardless of how bad my knee or back hurt. I just take Ibuprofin, and its rare that I have to sham out because I'm in pain. People don't understand how much work being the matriarch of a home actually is - if you take your responsibilties seriously and actually commit to it. Its not like we sit on our asses all day and don't do anything while our husband's slave at work. Don't tell me I don't have a job, don't tell me I don't work. Who the hell do you think keeps clean dishes in the cabinates and clean clothes in the drawers? Who makes sure we don't run out of household items and who makes sure groceries are bought and bills are paid and the money is managed and budgeted properly? Who scrubs the sinks and toilet and bathrub and FLOORS? Who keeps this place from becoming a filthy, cluttered up, white trash dump? I'm not trying to blow my own horn here, but I get sick and tired of people acting like I'm insignificant because I don't work outside the home. This place doesn't take care of itself you know. So next time anyone wants to ask me if I am thinking about getting a job, heres your answer: I have a job you son of a bitch.
I'm sorry, I just needed to vent that I guess. Wow he just made these AMAZING sauteed mushrooms. Excellente`!
I'm going to go eat them.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
You GO GIRL! I hope he shows you some appreciation. When you have kids (if), you'll spend the first 8 or 9 years training them to do the chores too. This is a BIG job, then you can have a little relaxation. But until then, you're right! You'll work your knuckles to the bone. Alex is so blessed that your mama trained you how, and is still there for you to give you tips (I read that in
another post).
Love ya,
lol yeah..... having kids. What to say what to say? Big job,and training them will be a huge job too. I can see how it would be nice to have some mini's to help me out. I'm all for kids having chores and various jobs around the house, I just don't think they should have them ALL. I think that the majority of the work should still fall to the wife/mother. While I look foward to the help and the oppurtunity to train, I won't make them my slaves. As far back as I can remember, up until I got married and even now that she is remarried, my mama worked her fingers to the bone cooking, cleaning, and helping support the family financially. She also worked around the house, alongside me and my sister and my father, doing what in our society is considered 'mens jobs'. We had chores and plenty of them, but she pulled more than her own weight. I hope I inherited that quality.
And yes, my mama is a HUGE help to me. Its funny how needy of her I still am: I have a question about cleaning certain things or cooking, I give her a ring. She is a wellspring of knowlege. I hope I am as good of a mother.
Hope yall are all doing good. :)
Oh Marli Anne, you are so sweet! This is my idea of" and her children will rise up and call her blessed" (my translation). I am so very blessed by this comment. You have no idea how touched I am. I will save this and pull it out on those days when I need a lift! I love you so very much! Mama
hey I know what u mean. house work is a job. But at least I have the guys to help me. when they feel like it lol No just kidding everybody helps at our house. you have fun in that pool ya hear?
love ya
By the way, you did inherit that quality. You are no slacker!!! I love you! Mama
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