Our foyer and living room

Our dining room

Our kitchen

Our view from our bedroom

Our view from the front

Our living room

Our hallway

Our spare room

Our walk in closet

Our bedroom

Giligan, a kitten that wonders up sometimes. She is very sweet and cuddly.

My obcenely orange skirt

Marcus giving his mama a foot rub

The boys taking a break from moving

Chilling at the hookah lounge

The foot ball game

Oh Marli!!!! Ya'll have soooooo much room! I am so thankful to God that your view includes green grass and trees. I know how much that means to you. :) I just love the internet. I am so very grateful that I get a glimpse into your life via the computer. It makes your absence almost bearable. I think about the days of "Little House on The Prairie". In so many ways I would love the simplicity of those times to come back. But if you had moved away and we happened to be living in those times I would not be blessed with the opportunity to stay in touch with your life in such a way. Even a letter would take months if it ever got there. Of course, if you had left under those circumstances I would have hidden away in your wagon. LOL I cannot tell you how grateful I am to see pictures of your friends. It is so wonderful to know you two are doing so well there and have plenty of things to do and places to go and people to see. I love you and I miss you my sweet darling, Mama
By the way, I love the orange skirt!!!!! James says it is Tennessee orange. ;) I love you, Mama
The hookah lounge isn't what I expected it to be from what you told me of it.
Thats because the picture is of outside the hookah lounge, and all there is out there is tables and chairs. Inside there is decor and food and couches and music.
by the way I heard the song. Vary sad I don't like it
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