Well, friday we signed a new lease and started moving into our new 2 bedroom apartment, and saturday Ireane and Felix and a couple of other guys came over and helped us move. I had started my period so I spent the first half of the day laying in bed. Alex went to walmart and got me thermacare patches so that I wouldnt be bed ridden all day. He also got me chocolate - just like James use to do for me and Mama. Anyway, after everything was moved out me and Ireane cleaned the old place. Then we came to the new place and Alex and I cooked dinner for everyone. After dinner we sat outside having our after meal smokes and Ireane and Felix (who do not smoke) sat out with us and socialized. We were all pathetic, exhausted but relaxing with a sense of accomplishment. Well, 3 yr old Marcus slipped inside and locked us all out of the apartment. And naturally, our keys were inside with him. We tried to tell him how to unlock the door but he kept turning it the wrong way, and then he started to panic. Felix went to find security while Alex tried to pick the lock, and Ireane tried to calm Marcus down and coax him through the ordeal. The rest of us stood around smoking and trying to stay out of the way, every now and then throwing in a suggestion or pat on the back. I was very impressed at how calm Ireane stayed. Security was nowhere to be found (shocking), so Felix borrowed a phonebook from the neighbor and called a locksmith. The locksmith hit the fire department alarm just about the time Ireane offered Marcus an ice cream if he would climb onto the window ledge and unlock the window. Wed been trying to talk him into this for about 20 minutes, but at the sweet offer Ireane gave him he climbed up and unlocked the window. As soon as it was unlocked I yanked it open and Ireane snatched him through the opening. I climbed through and unlocked the door while everyone clapped and cheered for Marcus. I immediently made Marcus his ice cream cone and have never been so happy to make an ice cream cone before in my life. The worst part of the ordeal was when Marcus started crying for his mommy. I'm glad he's okay. I now know I can't have kids. lol Theres no way I would have been able to stay that calm. Sure, I would have been calm at first, but when he started crying for me I would have snapped.
Anyway, I really like our new apartment. Two huge bedrooms, a nice sized bathroom, a large living room and a decent dining room, and a kitchen thats seperated from the rest of the house instead of being open - something I've never had before. Oh yeah, and there are 5 closets, 3 being walk-ins. Its right by the pool which has its advantages and disadvantages. We definately have enough room to get all of our stuff out of storage. Now we just need to save for it. But theres something about the place I can't explain. I just have this feeling... It keeps me up at night.
The battalion is getting the football team back together now that pre-season is over. And yes, Alex is on it. Adding this to work, school, and going to the gym several times a week he's going to be a busy boy.
I need to do laundry but cant leave the apartment. When Alex tried to pick the lock, something broke off in there and now the keys don't work. I called maintenence but they haven't come yet so until it gets fixed someone has to be here 24/7. Ireane offered to housesit for me because I had a phisical therapy appt. but she has done so much for me lately I felt bad so I just cancelled it. If the door isn't fixed by thursday I might let her. I don't want to miss a whole week. My knee has been doing better though. I kept waking up the other night with it hurting, but other than that its been better.
I cant wait to get my stuff from storage. I've been getting bored with my clothes and wanting new (I'm taking a trip to goodwill as soon as we get paid). I know that when I get my old clothes back it will be like a brandnew wardrobe. Ireane and Felix offered to help us out getting our stuff back. They are really good friends..... They have helped us so much. And not just when we ask, the actually volunteer. Yesterday Ireane had a dr appt so I watched Marcus. He was the perfect angel. We watched the wiggles, ate mac and cheese, and just hung out. When Ireane came back he went down for a nap and Ireane and I hung out for a couple of hours.
Today I haven't been feeling well - again. The shits, headache and lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue. And if one more person asks me if I'm pregant, I swear to god.......
I will post pictures of the apartment when I get settled in a little more.
I don't feel good so I'm gonna go.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hey Marli Anne, about that feeling keeping you up at night....you have good instincts. Listen to that little voice. You have had a very eventful week end and I am so happy about all the space you have. I am sure maintenance will be there soon to work out the kinks. You will make a wonderful mother someday. I hope you feel better soon. I love you with all my heart, Mama
How fun was that?! lol How many doors has Alex tried to break in to and how many doors ended up broken? LOL Can't wait to see the pics.
love ya
Wow, never a dull moment in San Antonio. Sounds like the new place is amazing. I'm glad you will be able to get your stuff out of storage. I'm sure that will be a huge relief for you. I need your new address so that I can send you a house warming gift. Maybe the first season of a certain teen soap opera. hehe!! Anyway, love you and miss you. Alabama's just not the same without you MarMar.
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