We won! I went to Willy's football game last night (its now regular season, when he was playing before it was pre-season) and for the first time this year our team won. I was yelling and screaming on the sidelines like my parents used to in our living room during Alabama games. It was funny. It was a good game from the beginning, the best I've been to all season. :-)
I talked to one of the guys who is thinking about moving in next to us last night. He seemed very interested and said he is going to talk to the staff here about it. It would be REALLY good if they moved in. We know them, do you know the benifits of knowing and trusting your next door neighbors?
Ohhh... I just thought of one disadvantages..... One that might be of particular embarassment to my husband. My volume. lol
Yesterday might have been my last day at phisical therapy. It was suppose to have been, but I had to miss two days so I might still have another week left. Tricare only gave me a certain amount of sessions. Losers.
We are probably going to get new tires on the car next week. Theres a place here (seems legit) that has $25 tires. I'm thinking its too good to be true, like maybe they won't have our size or theres some catch. But I'm going to go talk to them and find out.
I went to Goodwill ysterday and bought an obcenely orange skirt. I love it. lol
I had a horrible nightmare last night. I mean wake up crying- still shaking 30 min later- call the person you dreamed about ASAP nightmare. I called Chuch as soon as I woke up. She's fine, and I have NEVER been so happy to hear her voice. I was literally crying on the phone with her. Some dreams feel so damn real...
Well, I have claundry, cooking, and cleaning to do before the weekend so I'm off.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I'm sorry you had that dream. I am OK. And I love you
I love you too baby girl
Oh Marli, Poor Baby....I am so sorry you had such a horrible dream and so happy Chelsea is fine. The football game sounds like a blast! I have to see a picture of that obscene orange skirt! I think maybe Tricare will extend your physical therapy if you ask! A mended knee would make doing laundry alot easier. Right?
I love you and look forward to pictures..........
I love you, Mama
Its so much fun to hoot and holler at football games. Especially when your team wins. Sounds like a blast. Im sorry about your nightmare, they can be intense and feel so real. Love you and miss you.
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