I know I promised pictures but I've been really busy. I will get around to it eventually. We've been settling in nicely, everything is unpacked except the spare room.
We went to a Tim McGraw concert last night. I know I know..... I'm not a fan of country, but it was free (a complimentory show to support the military) and something to do, and Ireane wanted me to go and I didn't want to be home alone all night so....... It wasn't too horrible. He played a few of his old songs, which believe it or not I used to like. And he had one or two new ones that werent bad. He's not as.... country as some country singers, ya know?
Phisical therapy has been going well. Its actually helping.
So I hear theres a hurricane coming to visit. I'm not too worried about it, but then again you never know. We are right by a pool... at least we are on the second floor. The main thing I am worried about is everyone downstairs seeking higher ground. I'm sure we'll be fine though. We may be in south Texas but we arent on the coast.
So I hear plane tickets are going to go up by 20%. Anyone planning a vatation to Rome or the Virgin Isles might want to go ahead and order your tickets now.
I'm such a jealous person. Not an envious person, a jealous person. I've been that way for as long as I can remember. I wanted my mama all to myself growing up, and hated it when Daddy paid attention to boys because I always wanted to be one (long story) and spent my childhood trying to make up for the fact I wasn't one. I always hated my sister's friends and potential boyfriends (mostly because they were douche bags), and tried my damnedest to get rid of them. I was the same way about Amber. Extremely possesive. But I didn't have to worry much with her, because even though she was friendly to everyone she didn't really get close to anyone besides me until Candice, and then Alex (not one word ANYONE) and then when she moved away. And of course I've always been possessive of Joey, Ian, Chuch, Alex, Nikki, so on. And I find myself becoming the same way with Ireane. Its not something I really like about myself..... Its just, I'm not a people person, and well, when I find that rare someone I can connect with I want them all to myself. But you know what, I tell people this. I let them know what they are in for. As I do with several other aspects of my personality. And you know what? If having someone that means so much to you that you don't want to share is such a bad thing, then I guess I'm just a horrible person. I think perhaps this makes me a bad friend, because I'm selfish and stingy. But I don't force people to be friends with me. You want to be friends with me, this is it. Take it or leave it.
I have no idea - no, thats not true. I know exactly where that came from. I was sitting at a FRG meeting today, watching Ireane chat with some chick named Childs, and I realized I was jealous. Wow. Thats all I can really say. Its kind of funny......
Anyway, I need to get supper finished up.
God I am so sleepy.....
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
HEY when r u going to call me??????
glad u r getting settled in.
Remember when Ivan came and we were all at Nanna's? that was fun.
love you
You're jealous of Childs....?
Just don't fight Felix for me, ok? ;)
I think one of the reasons we get along so well is that we're both so different sometimes. I hate seeing people looking alone, I hate the feeling of not belonging somewhere. Because of that I find myself trying not to exclude people.
Marli Anne, you are perfect just the way you are. I am so glad you were not a boy. I so enjoyed you letting me dress you in all those frilly dresses :))) When I got another girl, I also got another friend for later in life, you know now that you are all grown up. Even though James and I want more children, we talk alot about girls. When we are dreaming of how nice it would be to have twins he always says "two more little girls that look just like their Mama, wouldn't that be great". We just don't ever talk about having boys. I do not have anything against having a boy. I just do not have a particular desire for one or the other. I have been perfectly content with my ladies. I would be perfectly content with more children that were boys. I would be just as happy with grandsons or granddaughters....with sons or daughters or....... Of course, I will be happy to take whatever God does, even if that means no more babies because He always knows best. I certainly do not think you are a horrible person for wanting someone all to yourself. You are normal. Most people just don't admit this jealousy thing to other people. You are so open and honest and wonderful!! Anyone who has the honor of getting to know you is a very blessed person indeed whether they know it or not. And any ________ who has given up the privilege of being close to you needs to re-evaluate their decision making skills and correct the deficiency. I love you and miss you. Keep me up to date on the weather. I am praying for you as always my precious, precious, daughter. Mama
Hey Marli Anne. I changed the name of my last post to "I finally taught myself to Pressure Can". You are right. We canned muscadine jam, juice, strawberry fig preserves, peppers, pickles and tomatos. All of this was in a water bath canner. Pressure canning is alot different and scarier. Those are some good memories of your childhood. I love you! Mama
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