Well, I hear that it is Rosh Hashana. I made Salmon and chicken lo mein last night, and I'm planning to make flounder and some other things tonight. If my back holds out.
My back has been literally killing me. Over the summer it was much better and only hurt occasionally, but the past month and a half its been getting steadily worse. The past few days I've had no relief, and its gotten to the point where I have to sleep on a heating pad at night, after icing it during the day. Ibuprofin barely even touches the pain. Its amazing the various ways you will invent to try and get out of bed painlessly. I'm most likely going to make an appointment to get it seen about. I already had it looked at in the spring, but they didn't find anything on the xray and didn't look any further. Needless to say, I was pissed. Not this time. This time I won't leave until I'm satisfied.
We went paintballing sunday. It was really fun. Alex refused to be on my team because he - and everyone else - thought it would be funner for us to shoot eachother. So we did. =) It is something we definately will be doing again.
Well, it seems my inspiration has returned and I am finally writing in my book again. I sat down the other night and wrote 5 pgs before bed. I know thats not much, but its more than I've been doing.
We are planning on going up to wichita falls this weekend. We need to get our winter clothes out as well as some other things we've been doing without. I'm not looking forward to the long drive, especially with my back the way it is, but we can't wait any longer. And we can't afford a uhaul truck, so...... just a carfull of as much stuff as we can fit.
Well, I'm going to go ice my back now.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Congrats on your inspiration wish I could get some of that my self.
I am so happy to hear you are writing again. Sometimes that just happens but it always comes back. I love you!Mama
10 more days!!!!!!
sorry about your back.
love you
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