Well, we got back from Ft hood and have been settling back into a routine here at home. We're back on a budget and the envelope system, and thats working out famously. You all should be doing it because its amazing how much money it saves you. You'd be surprised at the amount of cashola you waste when its converted into plastic instead of paper.
And yes, this post is a futile attempt to avoid the piles of laundry I have to wash. My knee can't handle walking up and down those stairs too many times, especially with added weight.
The day after we got back we went to Marcus's 3rd b-day party. It was a split party, shared with a one year old little boy. There was, of course, drama. There always is when theres that many kids and that many adults in one place, especially when alcohol is added to the scenario. But Ireane handled herself splendidly, and I was very proud. So all is well that ends relatively well.
I've got pics, of the good stuff. I unfortunately was too busy spying to catch the drama on tape. It would have been exibit A, serving to fuel Ireane's rage and and ignite the near drama collision into a family pile-up.
And today I'm cleaning house and letting my thoughts obsess. Just another day.
Here are the pics of Austin and the party.
Oh Marli, the one of you and the baby is exquisite! And I really like the one of you and Alex together. You both are beautiful and you look so happy! Is one of the pictures of Ireane? If so, which one? I am assuming Felix is the one with Marcus blowing out the candles. I am glad the party turned out relatively well. From what you described to me today it could have turned out much worse. I am very proud of Ireane too! Way to stand up girl. :) I miss you and I love you very much Mama We want more pics....We want more pics.....We want more pics.......
I love this post. I love all the pics. It looks like it was fun. I can see the cut on Alex's face in the 'stoned' pic. It's aweful.
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