Okay, I know that young people read my blog, but I'm really pissed off right now. For the second time since we moved here, our car got broken into 2 nights ago. Thankfully I've learned from previous experience and the doors were unlocked, so no windows were busted out. We also haven't replaced our radio since the last time we were robbed - for this very reason - so all that was in the car of any value was one of my old cell phones. So yes, it was taken. The interesting part is today I was out smoking and enjoying the rain, and I saw a cop car pull up to our neighbors (2 doors down) and start filling out a report from the guy. After the cop finished up I asked my neighbor's wife if they had been robbed. They said yes. In fact, their window had been busted out and the thief had bled all over their seats. I find that unfortunate for my neighbors, but extremely amusing also. Because the douche bag that robbed us all didn't go away unscathed. As we were discussing this, our next door neighbor came out and asked if we'd all been robbed. So had he. So their stereos were taken, and my old phone. My radio would have been taken (for the third time) if I'd been stupid enough to install another one. We all decided to call the office and complain -which I promptly did - and I ran downstairs and told the cop about the other robberies. He decided that since it is becoming such a problem, he is going to have his partner (who works the night shift) patrol the complex at night. I don't know what good it will do, but it can't hurt. At least it will show that there is increased security here now. Damn well better be.
Aside from that, everythings fine. I don't expect our apartment to be broken into, because the cars are simply easy targets. And everyone that was robbed (that I know of) was on the top floor. It would be much more risky to break into an apartment, and even if they were brave enough, now me and several neighbors are on the lookout. I would love to cut them to ribbons.
Well everyone, I now have a photo blog. This is the link: www.whys0seri0us.blogspot.com I decided I didn't want to clog up my written posts with too many photos, so I created another blog exclusively photos. Enjoy.
Oh yeah, how could I forget?! Alex got......drumroll........PROMOTED!!!!! He is now PFC, no longer PV2. E3, not E2. I couldn't be prouder if I was twins. He's very happy as well, and proud to wear his new rank. Way to go baby!
Well people, I am bored so I'm off to find something else to do. Perhaps post more pics to my photo blog.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I am so proud of you! Maybe they will be able to catch the theives. But you did the right thing talking to the cop. I talked to Willy today and he told me of his promotion, I'm proud of him too. Going to visit your other blog in just a minute.
Love ya,Gama
Hey Sweetheart! I really can't add anything that I did not say to you on the phone earlier but......I will try......I really hope they catch whoever is breaking in your car. I am really glad the po po will be patroling more!
And again, I AM SO PROUD OF ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you both very much, Mama
we was wobbed
Well hello beautiful.
Tell willy to keep up tell good work.
proud of you willy.
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