I am so proud of myself. I never thought I had much of a green thumb (never gave it much of a try unless you count your mother's huge garden), but I've managed to keep 6 plants alive, some for going on 4 or months.
The easiest have been the Aloe and Bamboo. The aloe I only water every 3 or 4 days, and not much. She stays out of direct sunlight, and I haven't fed her. She is located next to the bamboo, purely for Rupert's benifit.The bamboo I don't do anything to, as she is Ruperts companion and is self sufficient (the flowers are plastic and for decoration).
The Mum plant is flourishing right next to the window. I open the blinds and give her sunlight a couple of hours every day, and usually water her every other day or when the soil is no longer moist. 
The Rosemary went through a rough spot but is recovering nicely. I try to water her every day, but it usually ends up every other day. She is in direct sunlight for several hours a day.
The first thing I do when I get a new plant and have questions on how to care for it, I google it. Yes, I am becoming obsessed. I can't help it. Its nice to have something depend on me, something to take care of and feed and water. Rupert has been a nice addition to the family. I changed his water a few days ago, and although I think it was a bit of a traumatic experience for him he seems very happy to have fresh water and a clean bowl. I'm thinking of getting him a friend - one he won't kill. Anyway, this is my little hippy post. I've gotta go grocery shopping, so I'm out.
I love house plants. Every time I see one it makes me think of Nana. I miss her so much. You are doing a great job keeping yours up!
love ya
As Yoda would say "a green thumb have you" ! Marli thanks so much for sharing the pictures of your beautiful plant family(plus Rupert). I have managed to grow many things but I have never been able to keep Aloe alive for very long. I have tried numerous times. No matter how beautiful they are when they come to live with me they die. That is pretty sad. Another thing is African Violets. I just can't keep em alive. You have done your research and carefully see to their needs. That is commendable. Again, thanks for sharing the pretty pictures. Your plants are gorgeous. I am surprised the trellis survived the paint :( That must have been a terrible experience for her. Just imagine! Do you have any ideas for a playmate for Rupert that she won't kill?
I love you and miss you, Mama
Another great post! I needed that...I love houseplants, but kill them all, as you well know. Hell, I even kill outdoor plants. (pitiful) I bought a gorgeous jasmine plant, and it is DEAD!!! It smelled so awesome, it's coming back now, maybe I can do better this go around. The fish may handle the shock better next time if you put him in a baggie with his old water in it, floating inside the new water, and after about 6 hours put him in. A little of the old water will go in, but it lessens the shock.
Love ya,
I love the plants sweetie. I think its very awesome that you can keep track of the plants needs. Just another reason why you are good at taking care of people. I would get confused and they would all die. Meaning....don't trust me to take care of them for you unless left with specific checklist instructions. lol! anyway....love you bunches!!
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