Okay, so I'm in a pretty bad mood. The weekend wasn't great, had some fun spots and some pretty sucky spots. Now the week is well underway and I'm back in my groove. The groove of laundry, cooking, cleaning, and pretty much just regular stuff.
I think I may be coming down with something. I have felt nauseous for days, I puked yesterday, my throat is sore, my head hurts, and I feel like crap. Could just be my Epstine bar flaring, thyroid flaring, or something else. Oh yeah, and I've got the shits. So I think I must have a virus. I don't care much, beside having to go to phisical therapy.
I also will most likely be attending a military ball in september. I am kicking myself for mentioning going to Alex, because I'm not wanting to so much anymore. I have to find a formal dress, cheap, because the only thing I own that I could possibly wear makes me look like a fatass. My hips look so big I should have a wide load sticker taped to my ass. You think I'm joking. Anyway, the hoity-toity-lets-be-fake-and -pretend-we -like-eachother events aren't my arena. But I have to behave because I have to make my husband look good in front of his superiors. Oh the joys of being an army wife. I guess I will get a corset or something if I can't find a dress I like. And my husband will just have to deal with the fact that its sleeveless.
But my he does look good in his class A's. They'll all be asking, "Whats a guy like him doing with a girl like that?" But then they will just think I'm really good in bed {jury is still out on that one}. lol *sigh* If Pooh were here I'd sing a complaining song with him.
I was wondering where I my man is, then remembered he is going to the gym after work. Wonder what time he will be home????
I would work out..... but I am so close to vomiting I can taste it so maybe exterting myself isn't a genius idea. I haven't the engery anyway. I've got the shakes now...... I wanna just pass out. Not far from it. Oh I do hate the taste of vomit. Quite.
I'm going to go.... I think I have a fever but don't own a thermometer so.... If the sweat and light-headedness is any indication I'd say its about 99.5 and I know that because I'm just that good. I am only getting sick because I didn't have the energy to deny it this time. I just said screw it and let nature take its course instead of simply deciding I'm not going to get sick - which takes more energy than you might think.
Please don't call me and check on me because I most likely won't pick up and you'll just worry when I don't.
I'm fine, I just need orange juice and sleep.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
MARLI PHONE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't mean to be rude or anything BUT the green color is for one REALLY hard to see AND it is making me feel kinda ..... Well I guess it could be your post but it makes me feel sick.
get better NOW
btw my leg feels A LOT better today.
It was good to talk to you yesterday.
love ya
Well I'm sorry but I'm not changing my colors yet. I like them, and I promise you I spend more time on my blog than you do. Just try right clicking over everything and it should make it black and white. ;)
I am reading this late so I am assuming you are better. I have been so far beyond on reading/posting blogs so I am reading a bunch of posts in a one setting. I notice you mentioned a sleeveless dress several times. I don't get what the big deal is but I hope he ended up loving it because I thought you looked beautiful in it!
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