Well, I'm in a motel just outside Ft Hood. Alex had combatives training here and he decided to bring me along. So I've been chilling. Window shopping and swimming and the such. I feel like I am in rehab. lol New room, no car, relative confinment, coming off cigerettes.... lol
I went to the dr about my knee, and apparantly I either have arthritus or tendonitus. She is sending me to phisical therapy. Peachy. She says to avoid running or putting strain on it. Its funny to see me walking up stairs though.
Today Alex had to get punched in the face four times by the instructer without being allowed to hit back. His face is bruised and swollen. I feel really bad for him and it pisses me off. This is the funny part: I am not allowed to give him hickies because its considered 'damage of government property' (screw that, by the way) yet they can beat him in the face (several people went to the ER with broken noses and concussions) until it bruises and swells????? What the hell????? God I hate Army Reg. I am really happy he is getting this training, but the Army's regulations piss me off sooooo much. One square inch place under his eye is really bad. The skin is literally ripped away. It will most likely scar. I'm angry.
Well, I added some new songs on my player. Songs I used to love and had forgotten about. And yes Chuch, you are free to steal these too. :-)
I've got a nice tan, especially after a 6 hour tubing trip saturday. It was hot and the water was ice cold (not swimmable), and there were literally hundreds of people there.
No one blogs anymore. I'm thinking of shutting mine down. I'm starting to get bored with it.
Marcus is having his third birthday party saturday. That should be lots of fun. He's a great kid. We get along famously. He's a handful though.
I'm thinking of getting a tatoo. Me and Alex will probably get one together soon. Should be fun. Just need to decide which one I want first.
Wow, I am really bored.
Well, Alex is home. I guess I need to go nurse his wounds.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I wouldn't say no one blogs.......I do :) It was good to read your post. I do not understand some of the things the army does. The idea of not being able to hit back just somehow does not seem right to a country girl. You know...don't start none won't be none.... It would be sad for you to shut down your blog. I love you and tell Alex I love him and I am very glad he did not end up in the ER. Seems a shame to scar that perfect face of his...
I know I'm behind on blogs. But things have been a little crazy lately. Anyway...sucks that Alex's face is bruised, and that damaging government property seems a little excessive. Love you and miss you bunches. Wish we were watching dc together.....
Ugh, that's really crappy about your knee. Hopefully you'll be able to get it back to normal before too long.
The army is a little weird in their training sometimes but I guess they know what they're doing since they've been at it for a century or two. Alex is lucky to have you there to take care of him. I guess every soldier needs a few scars.
OK I do blog silly! You just don't like to read the stuff I put on there. lol
love ya
I'm glad you're there to take care of my baby. Well, I know he's your baby, but it's a different kind of baby. You'll see one day. I too am glad they are preparing him well, but I hate that he has to get hurt. Give him a kiss for me. I haven't been blogging lately because I barely have had time to do anything with midterms and getting ready for the children's school year.
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