Well, I told you people I'm not a hypocontriact.. There is something wrong with my knee. Its called Patellofemoral Syndrome. The patella isn't tracking properly in the patellofemoral groove. Basically my kneecap is off track. This is caused by muscular dysfunction in the muscles surrounding and connected to the area, biomechemical problems, and and simply overuse. I personally think I have pretty strong legs (though my phisical therapist did say my quadtricept on the left side isn't as strong as the right) and the pain did start after I started running on the treadmill. And I skipped the whole 'walking and stretching' and went straight into hardcore galloping. lol So I think thats where the problem started. Plus, I've had phisical therapy on this knee before (for an unrelated injury) so its possible that is the reason that knee is weaker.
Anyway, she repositioned my kneecap and taped it in place, and I start actual therapy next week. Its a reacurring problem, so I'll have to do these specific excerises for the rest of my life. She also said it could possibly be connected to my back pain, and reinforced my opinion about periodically getting retested for thyroid problems as it can very easily be missed for years before it shows up on tests. Over all it was a productive consultation, and I'm happy to know whats actually wrong with my knee. Surgery is a last resort.
Oh yeah, it can also be caused by foot problems, specifically the arch. Several years ago I was diognosed with 2 different hereditary foot problems, one involving my arch.
So thats the scoop.
So anyway, I've wasted time blogging when I should have been getting ready for the battalion BBQ we're having today. My lovely husband told the commander I would bring food, so I spent most of yesterday and last night baking 4 dozen brownies and 5 or 6 dozen cookies. And now I have to cart the on post, after getting a shower - which I hardly have time for now.
So Imma bounce. Later yall!
And yes Jen, we are on the second floor of our building. The stairs are a bitch.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Well Mar Mar,
That Physical Therapist sounds like she knows her stuff as well as other stuff. I am very glad you did not miss the appointment due to slow mechanics changing the oil. I feel so blessed to know what the problem is and that it can be corrected. I do wish I was there to help you though. I would be happy to carry that laundry up and down the stairs. Don't forget the picture of the knee ;) and the book file ;) I really do think you have a thyroid issue. You have so many of the symptoms. If that is the case, medication can really make a difference. I am not a fan of pharmaceuticals but sometimes "aint nuttin to it but ta do it" Guess I better jet back to the kitchin. I am attempting to make an all local soup and I need to check on the garlic label to see where it originated. Please do not drink anything else with green tea in it or consume anything from China, Heck don't let anything from China touch your body. I will explain later when I have more time. I love you, Mama
glad u know whats wrong
It sounds like you have a great PT. It's really important to do those exercises. With my back they told me that is is a lifelong problem and that I need to continue to do the exercises to manage the pain...Since my PT time has been done with, I haven't done my exercises and am in terrible pain. I hope you're more disciplined than me, love, cause it truly makes a difference. I'm glad you know what's wrong and hope you are able to manage the pain.
All I can say is DAMN, that sounds like it hurts!!!!
I knew if I kept reading, I would get to the part about why you are in physical therapy.
BTW, I want a brownie!
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