The weekend was uneventful. Alex showed up friday after work with a yellow blooming houseplant (adding to my obsession) and a blue beta. I mentioned a while back that I wanted a fish, but never got one. And the other day I mentioned to Mama that I was thinking about getting one, and he shows up holding one.
Alex enrolled in college last week and he starts class saturday. It sucks that he has to get up at like 7am on saturday, but I'll probably still be sleeping when he gets home. And we'll still have saturday nights and sundays free. I'm excited for him, and really happy he's doing this. Just a few more credits and then he will have his AS and can go for his BA. Woot woot! I guess we will have to put off that backpacking trip until the fall. But thats better anyway, because I don't know if my knee could handle it right now.
I start phisical therapy tomorrow, though I still harbor the opinion that its stupid. They are going to treat me with PT and they don't even know whats wrong. If they make my knee worse, I swear to god.... I'm just ready for this to go away. I haven't been able to work out hardly at all since my knee messed up (the dr thinks I may have injured it on the treadmill) and the pain makes normal everyday tasks more difficult. Standing up or walking up or down stairs feels like my knee cap is going to shatter. Simply doing laundry or grocery shopping kills me, and I have to end up either taking ibuprofin or icing it. Also, after almost a month of being pain free, my back started hurting agian the past few days. I can't wait to see me when I am an old woman.
Also, when my fatigue flares up again I am going to go to my new dr and have her give me a phisical. I still think I have a thyroid problem due to the fact that so many women in my family have it and I have so many fof the symptoms. I think the reason it didn't show up last time was because I wasn't having a 'flare up' and if its dormant it won't show up on tests, so you have to keep retesting and trying to catch it. My new dr seems like she might would shut her trap and listen slightly more than my last dr so I'm going to give it a shot. But this time I won't mention depression, as I don't want a repeat performance of last time when I had the shrink called in on me. Morons.
Aside from all that jazz, things are pretty much the same as usual.
We named the fish Rupert.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hey Mar,
I think that if you are not comfortable with the physical therapy tommorrow after speaking with the therapist just don't let them do it. You are in charge of your own health and if you do not think it is a good idea then ask to be referred to an orthopedic specialist. I am wondering if your back is related to the knee problem. I am also concerned about the thyroid. I can not tell you how many times mine came back normal according to several doctors. Dr. Hayden found it years ago and put me on medication. I stopped taking it. It took all this time for them to catch it again. Dr. Wool said that is the nature of this disease. I even had blood work when I was feeling bad and they still did not catch it so be persistent.
That was so sweet of Alex to bring you a houseplant and a fish. He is a sweet husband! I love you very much and I am glad you had a nice quiet week end. I miss you bunches!! Mama
They just found out Meme has a thyroid problem.
How sweet of willy to come in bearing gifts!
I wish him luck in school.
Hey! At least you get to ride that fun cart at Wally World and toot the horn at people when they get in your way ;)
Rupert, hummm it makes me think of Moe's, Bill always eats the Rupert, lol. Cute. I'm glad he's in school too. I hate that you feel bad. Let me know if you keep the plant alive, then give me some pointers. You know I need them. Love ya, Gama
I love the name rupert! There is a very funny movie with Steve Martin called "Dirty Rotten Scandrals" and his fake name is Rupert.
I hate to hear about your knee. Exercise hurts my joints and times, especially my knee. I feel it each time I walk up my stairs. Does your apartment have stairs? I hope not considering how bad you are hurting. Physicsl therapy may help, who knows but I agree that it would suck big time if it made it worse.
I didn't know about the thyroid thing being hard to detect. They said mine was fine and I was so glad but there is still no answers for why I am so tired all the time.
Have a fun time with your hubby this weekend. Sleeping really late on a Saturday sounds like heaven to me anyway, especially if I get to wake up and spend the next 30 hours with my husband.
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